Q: Where do you support births?

A: I support births at hospitals, birth centers, and homes. My service areas include Davis County, Weber County, Box Elder County, and Cache County in Utah. Oneida County, Franklin County, Bannock County, and Bonneville County in Idaho.

Q: Do you only support unmedicated births?

A: No! I support every birth: epidural, induction, c-section, unmedicated. Every birth experiences deserves to be as positive as possible.

Q: Do you offer payment plans?

A: Yes. I want to be able to have my doula support be accessible to everyone. I also offer financing options from Affirm and AfterPay. I’m happy to chat about what we can do to get you the birth support you deserve.

Q: How many births do you take a month?

A: I am taking 2 births a month right now. Sometimes I’ll take 3 if it’s a great fit.

Q: Are doulas the same as midwives:

A: No, doulas do not provide an clinical or medical care. As a doula, I offer informational, emotional, mental, and physical support to the families I serve. Doulas can compliment the care of midwives in a lot of ways!

Q: If I have a c-section, what do you do?

A: If you have a scheduled c-section or unplanned c-section, we try to get me back in the OR with you to continue to provide support to both you and your partner. If that isn’t an option, I remain in your room and wait for you to come back. I stay to help you get settled and offer breastfeeding support. I also stay with you while your partner is with the baby in case of separation for any reason.

Q: When should I hire a doula?

A: There is no right or wrong time; however, hiring a doula earlier on in pregnancy gives you time to build a relationship and connection with them. It helps establish trust. If you aren’t able to hire a doula until later in your pregnancy, that’s ok too! I still do all I can to build that relationship and connection and provide the same level of support and care! I’ve been hired at late as 8 days before a due date.

Q: Do doulas take the place of my partner?

A: Absolutely not! My goal is to be there to help you partner feel more confident in supporting you to the best of their ability. I teach them comfort measures and help them understand the birth process. I am there to fill in where they cannot be and offer extra support to them as well. Doulas are for dads too!

Q: What if you are at another birth or sick when I go into labor?

A: I always have a back up doula ready to go. I get you their info and we usually start a group text thread so that they are up to date on everything.

Q: What trainings have you done?

A: My trainings and education:

  • DONA International Doula Training

  • Birth Learning’s Advanced Doula Training

  • Bhava Birth’s Advanced Mindfulness Doula Training

  • VBAC Link Advanced Doula Training (certified)

  • Breastfeeding Support Doula Training (certified)

  • Spinning Babies Workshop 2023

  • Birth Becomes You Essence of Birth Photography Training 2023 (certified)

  • Utah Doula Association Board Member 2021-present

  • Utah Doula Association President 2023

  • Safe Birth Spaces - Trauma Conscious Training 2024

  • GentleBirth Child Birth Educator/Instructor Course


Birth of Jordan