“In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves.”
As a doula, I nurture connection, confidence, and knowledge so expecting families feel supported, safe, and heard during their journey of pregnancy and beyond.
Your birth matters.
Preparing for such a pivotal moment of life can feel overwhelming. There seems to be so much information and so many options. Or maybe you seem to know exactly what you want but feel the need for extra support and education. Did you have a traumatic experience and are now hoping for a healing and redemptive birth?
All of these feelings are overwhelming and there seems to be so much to do. Your provider doesn’t seem to be hearing your concerns and your partner isn’t sure how to fill the role you imagine him filling.
But there doesn’t have to be fear or loneliness. Your partner and I can step into the role of birth support and bring that vision of a beautiful birth to fruition. Preparing with education, birth preferences, a plan, and a guide to walk with you will alleviate the fear and overwhelm.
I had an idea of what kind of birth I wanted with my first, but I worried about support. Would my provider be on board? Would my partner know how to help? I thought I had prepared enough, but I ended that birth feeling like I had failed my own plans and goals. Because of my experience with my first birth, I didn’t put as much time and effort into my second birth and my plan. I was disappointed.
Something changed with my third pregnancy. I was more determined to find a supportive provider and accomplish my goals. I found like minded people to surround myself with, a doula who was educated and supported my plans (even when medical complications arose), and a birth team that gave all they could to help me achieve my goals. And when we decided to add a fourth, I had the most redemptive and healing birth because I had the support I needed most.
I felt safe, heard, and passionate. Those experiences sparked the desire to share my feelings, knowledge, and beauty with others.
Whatever birth looks like for you, it can be achieved. A beautiful birth is not out of reach, ever. You are capable. Let’s make your dreams happen.
My Journey
How Can I Help?
Birth Preferences and Postpartum Plans
Partner Support and Education
Physical and Emotional Support
Capture your birth story in photos.
These beautiful moments are to be treasured. As you dive deep into yourself, giving all you have, and then meeting your sweet new babe, enjoy being able to look back on your experience.
I offer birth photography so you can hold those memories forever. Birth is such a beautiful, sacred time. I love being able to capture those vulnerable, special, raw moments.
I offer this service by itself or as an add on to my doula package.
Are You Ready?
Are you feeling ready to accomplish your goals? I’m confident in you and confident that as a team, we can make your birth beautiful and memorable!
You know you can do this. I know you can do this. Let’s make it happen.
Is the investment worth it?
Is the investment worth it? Studies have shown that having a doula at your birth can play a significant role in decreasing intervention and increasing satisfaction at birth. If you still have concerns about affording a doula, please let me know and we can chat about options!
25% decrease in the risk of Cesarean; the largest effect was seen with a doula (39% decrease)*
8% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth; the largest effect was seen with a doula (15% increase)*
10% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief; the type of person providing continuous support did not make a difference
Shorter labors by 41 minutes on average; there is no data on if the type of person providing continuous support makes a difference
38% decrease in the baby’s risk of a low five minute Apgar score; there is no data on if the type of person providing continuous support makes a difference
31% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience; mothers’ risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience was reduced with continuous support provided by a doula or someone in their social network (family or friend), but not hospital staff
What if my partner isn’t sure or supportive of having a doula? This is a big concern! But believe me, doulas do not take the role of the partner, in fact, we are here to help them enhance the support they are able to give and work with them to help you both achieve a beautiful birth.
“Some people think that they do not need a doula because their partner will be with them continuously throughout labor. It is true that the birth partner is an essential support person for a birthing person to have by their side. However, the birth partner will need to eat and use the bathroom at times, and they are having their own emotional journey that requires support. Also, many partners have limited knowledge about birth, medical procedures, or what goes on in a hospital, while doulas have knowledge and experience about all of these things that they can use to inform and support both the partner and birthing person. Ideally, doulas and partners can work together to make up a labor support team.” Evidence Based Birth, Evidence on Doulas
What if I’m not in your service areas? That’s ok! I am offering virtual Doula Support. Our prenatal appointments are via video chat. I can still teach comfort measures and help with birth preferences from afar as well. While your in labor, I can still be there, again via video chat, to help support you and your partner as you journey to birth. I will still follow up postpartum with video chats and texts. I can also help with breastfeeding support as well. Even at a distance, you can still be supported!
Service areas: Davis County, Weber County, Salt Lake County, Utah County, Box Elder County, Cache County, and Tooele.